The many races of Dirth
This page will be a brief overview of the many races inhabiting the realm of Dirth. These short summaries do not do the races justice, and it is recommended that you click their full page links.
A relatively young race within the world of Dirth, mankind is known for being a robust race, a jack of all trades which adapts and learns quickly. There are three essential factions of humans within Dirth; Firstly, the simple folk of the land of Run, their population decimated after the fall of their king to the forces of evil within the Lord's March region of Dirth's eastern continent. Their numbers are dwindling, and many dark things lurk just beneath the surface of Run's many quaint villages. The Lord's March has become infested with mindless undead, and so it has been walled off and none dare enter the region which was formerly their capital.
Second, there are the scholars, wizards and priests of Lung Hem, mostly residing in its capital of Dunnsmouth, which is known across the realm as the pinnacle of arcane knowledge and most favored city of the god Cwn Cwtia. Nestled within the northern hills of Lung Hem, however, is the walled city of Gammelot, populated mostly by holy men waiting for the prophecized resurrection of Cwn Cwtia's human avatar, the great king Mann from which mankind derives its name from.
Finally, there are the brutal barbarian tribes of northern Tauros which lays just east of Run, past the mountains. These men make due within a wasteland where only the strong can survive, in perpetual war with the various other races which inhabit its dry, rocky, unforgiving environment.
Within the high plains of Orkron to the west there lay scattered human colonies as well, mostly men of Run and Lung Hem and very few barbarians, all struggling against the native orcs, ogres, and the daemoniac fiends which lies in the badlands to the south.
Humans will typically patron the god Cwn Cwtia, and humans can fulfill any good or neutral alignment. Average height: 6' for males, 5'8 for females. (Tall, normal)
Human characters recieve these starting attribute levels:
AGI - 5
DEV - 6
EXP - 5
INT - 5
PER - 9
STR - Male: 5, Female: 4
WIL - 10 (100HP)
WIS - 8 (80MP)
As well as these starting proficiency levels:
Sword Proficiency +10
Flail Proficiency +5
Crossbow Proficiency +5
White Magic Affinity +1
Arcane Magic Affinity +1
A player choosing to create a human character is able to choose Fighter, Barbarian, Wizard, Warlock, Cleric, and Ranger.
One of the most ancient races of Dirth, created by their god, the Stonelord, Dûg, the dwarfs (called Dweor in their tongue) dwell in the mountains and hills of the isle of Dweoreim. Dwarfs are master craftsmen and an incredibly proud people, though their instinct to delve deeper and explore has caused the doom of their once great city of Stonedeep, now an empty labyrinth of danger and ruin.
Dwarfs will typically patron the god Dûg, though also respect Dûnor, Lûg, and Fomor. Dwarfs can fulfill any good or neutral alignment. Average height: 4'. (Short, stocky)
Dwarf characters recieve these starting attribute levels:
AGI - 4
DEV - 5
EXP - 5
INT - 5
PER - 8
STR - Male: 6, Female: 5
WIL - 12 (120HP)
WIS - 6 (60MP)
As well as these starting proficiency levels:
Warhammer Proficiency +5
Two-handed Warhammer Proficiency +5
Axe Proficiency +3
Two-handed Axe Proficiency +3
A player choosing to create a dwarf character is able to choose Fighter, Barbarian, Wizard, Cleric, Ranger, and Druid.
As ancient as the dwarfs, the elfs (Faeor in their tongue) are keepers of the Wyrd Tree and live within the forested isle of Feoreim, just east of Lung Hem. They are children of the god Fomor, and embody the spirit of the forest and the life within it.
Elfs will typically patron the god Fomor, though also respect Dûg, Dûnor, and Lûg. Elfs can fulfill any good alignment. Average height: 5' for males, 4'6" for females. (Short, lithe)
Elf characters recieve these starting attribute levels:
AGI - 8
DEV - 5
EXP - 6
INT - 6
PER - 11
STR - Male: 4, Female: 3
WIL - 9 (90HP)
WIS - 10 (100MP)
As well as these starting proficiency levels:
Bow & Arrow Proficiency +5
Curved Sword Proficiency +5
Dagger Proficiency +3
Green Magic Affinity +10
A player choosing to create an elf character is able to choose Fighter, Wizard, Cleric, Ranger, or Druid.
The most ancient race of Dirth. The aeonites are living statues, the first creations of Dûg. Originally created as an immortal race, the philosophical, pondering nature of the aeonites led them to delve into study of forbidden magics and the Planes of Torment. In a massive catastrophe, aeonite wizards summoned in what is now known simply as "the Heap" to stop the volcano, Mount Pulcer, which lies in the center of the land of Sepulcer, from erupting and destroying their civilization. This mass summoning of some enormous flesh from a plane of torment known as Abhoth annihilated and poisoned the natural beauty of their homeland and caused the Stonelord Dûg to turn his back on them, abandoning them and taking their immortality. Now, abandoned by their god, the aeonites live as a scattered and crestfallen people, seeking refuge wherever they can.
Aeonites cannot die from sickness or old age, and can only die from being killed. As they grow older to ages in the hundreds or thousands of years, they will slowly become more and more catatonic and trapped within their own minds and thoughts until they reach a state where they freeze completely after a few hundreds of thousands of years.
Aeonites are very individualistic in the gods they choose to patron, and do not have any one major god that they tend towards worshiping. Many aeonites choose not to patron any. Aeonites cannot patron Dûg as he has turned his back on them. Aeonites can fulfill the alignments of lawful good, neutral good, lawful neutral, true neutral, and neutral evil. Average height: 6' (Tall, normal)
Aeonite characters recieve these starting attribute levels:
AGI - 3
DEV - 1
EXP - 4
INT - 8
PER - 9
STR - 7
WIL - 15 (150HP)
WIS - 14 (140MP)
As well as these starting proficiency levels:
Arcane Magic Affinity +10
Two-handed Mace Proficiency +5
Spear Proficiency +1
A player choosing to create an aeonite character is able to choose Fighter, Wizard, Warlock, and Cleric.
Creation of Dûnor, god of storms, sea, wind and frost, giants are a strong and proud race of blue skinned behemoths with fiery red hair. They are masters of the elements, and great warriors. They rule the domain of Thunorea, and their capital city, Karn, is centered around a giant coliseum. Giants will often turn to a life of piracy as it suits them well.
Giants patron the god Dunor, without exception. They respect other gods such as Dug and Fomor, but they do not ever stray far from their father's glory. Giants can fulfill the alignments of neutral good, chaotic good, true neutral, chaotic neutral, and chaotic evil. Average height: 11' (Very tall, strong)
Giant characters recieve these starting attribute levels:
AGI - 4
DEV - 6
EXP - 5
INT - 5
PER - 10
STR - 8
WIL - 15 (150HP)
WIS - 6 (60MP)
As well as these starting proficiency levels:
Club Proficiency +10
Red Magic Affinity +5
Blue Magic Affinity +5
Polearm Proficiency +1
Spear Proficiency +1
Two-handed Spear Proficiency +1
A player choosing to create a giant character is able to choose Fighter, Barbarian, Wizard, and Druid.
The viman are a race, or a duality of races, created by the god of order and law, Yûg, in order to keep the balance between any other warring gods. They have four arms, and there are two factions of them. The Satya Viman of the jungles of Yugai, are blue-skinned and on the side of good. The Kali Viman of the neighboring land of Dailit, though, are red-skinned, and fight for evil. Despite being created with the purpose of keeping the peace among the races of other gods, should a realm-wide war ever break out between them, the viman mostly keep to themselves, and the two factions are locked in an endless war with eachother.
Viman primarily patron Yûg, though will often patron many other gods simultaneously. Blue viman will fulfill the alignments of lawful good and chaotic good while red viman will fulfill the alignments of lawful evil and chaotic evil. Average height: 6'6 (Tall, normal)
Viman characters recieve these starting attribute levels:
AGI - 7
DEV - 6
EXP - 8
INT - 5
PER - 8
STR - 5
WIL - 9 (90HP)
WIS - 5 (50MP)
As well as these starting proficiency levels:
Curved Sword Proficiency +10
Two-handed Curved Sword Proficiency +10
Flail Proficiency +10
Red Magic Proficiency +5
Whip Proficiency +1
A player choosing to create a viman character is able to choose Fighter, Barbarian, Wizard, Warlock, Cleric, Ranger, and Necromancer.
Orcs are a race created by the dark god Molûg. They are a savage race of disparate nomadic tribes who are constantly at war with eachother, and worship this perpetual conflict. Orcs do not have a written language, and recite stories of their heroes through song. Orcs do not stop growing in size as they get older, though most die very young, only living for 19 years on average before dying in battle. Their skin ranges from a gray or brown to a bright green, depending on their clan. Their skin is thick and rough and often mottled and scarred.
Orcs all hail their darkfather Molûg, as well as venerating many orc war heroes. Some orcs will also worship Kukuthalic. Orcs may fulfill the alignments of chaotic evil, neutral evil, and chaotic neutral. Average height: 5'10 (Tall, strong)
Orc characters recieve these starting attribute levels:
AGI - 5
DEV - 5
EXP - 5
INT - 4
PER - 11
STR - 9
WIL - 11 (110HP)
WIS - 4 (40MP)
As well as these starting proficiency levels:
Axe Proficiency +10
Bow & Arrow Proficiency +5
Spear Proficiency +5
Whip Proficiency +5
A player choosing to create an orc character is able to choose Fighter, Barbarian, Warlock, Ranger, and Necromancer.
Ogres are a splitoff from the orcish clans who sook to live peacefully and with stability in the mountains of northern Orkron. Ogres live to great sizes and ages but are shunned by the orcs and are seen as cowards. Ogres are given a huge sword at birth that is meant to last them their lifetime. If the sword ever breaks while they still live, an ogre with honor must turn the broken blade on himself. Broken-blades who refuse to commit an honorable suicide upon failure to maintain their swords are exiled and hunted down by all ogres. It is rare that an ogre is seen outside of the immense mountain fortress city of Ongu, buried deep within the clouds that fog the Ogre Mountains. Ogres will not draw their birth blades unless it is an honorary duel to death with another ogre, or in warfare sanctioned by the ogre emperor.
Ogres mostly patron the gods Lûg and Yûg, and look down on the orcs for worshiping the evil Molûg. Ogre religion revolves around cleansing ones self of the darkfather's evil ways and seeking balance through Yûg and inner peace through Lûg. Ogres may fulifill the alignments of lawful good, neutral good, lawful neutral, neutral good, and true neutral. Average height: 9' (Very tall, stocky)
Ogre characters recieve these starting attribute levels:
AGI - 5
DEV - 6
EXP - 7
INT - 5
PER - 10
STR - 7
WIL - 16 (160HP)
WIS - 10 (100MP)
As well as these starting proficiency levels:
Two-handed Curved Sword Proficiency +20
Club Proficiency +5
A player choosing to create an ogre character is able to choose Fighter, Barbarian, Cleric, and Druid.
Lizardmen were once a proud civilization of elfs, living in the now-decrepit city of Saurnac. Over time, however, they strayed from their original patronage of the god Fomor, and instead became worshipers of the banished goddess Yig, the serpentmother. Upon trying to summon their idol back into the realm of Dirth, the elfs of Saurnac were cursed, and given a new, scaly form, and their city was buried in sand. Now, the lizardmen live in the rank thickets and swamps of the Saurfen, some having returned to Fomor and practicing druidism, hating their new reptilian form, while others view the scales of Yig as a gift, rather than a curse, and still worship the serpentmother.
Lizardmen will commonly either patron Fomor or Yig, though patronage of others is not uncommon amongst them. Lizardmen may fulfill any alignment. Average height: 7' (Tall, lithe)
Lizardman characters recieve these starting attribute levels:
AGI - 7
DEV - 6
EXP - 5
INT - 5
PER - 9
STR - 5
WIL - 10 (100HP)
WIS - 5 (50MP)
As well as these starting proficiency levels:
Staff Proficiency +5
Club Proficiency +5
Trap Proficiency +5
Dagger Proficiency +5
Curved Sword Proficiency +1
A player choosing to create a lizardman character is able to choose Fighter, Barbarian, Wizard, Warlock, Cleric, Ranger, Druid, and Necromancer.
The minotaurs are a brutal race, created by the black goat Cobh. They inhabit the eastern regions of Tauria and Pachytauria, with their capital being the fortress-city of Tauros.
All minotaurs will patron their creator Cobh, though some will also pay respects to other gods. Minotaurs may fulfill any alignment. Average height: 8' for males, 7'8 females (Tall, strong)
Minotaur characters recieve these starting attribute levels:
AGI - 5
DEV - 5
EXP - 5
INT - 5
PER - 8
STR - 10
WIL - 18 (180HP)
WIS - 5 (50MP)
As well as these starting proficiency levels:
Club Proficiency +5
Axe Proficiency +5
Two-handed Axe Proficiency +5
Spear Proficiency +5
Two-handed Spear Proficiency +5
A player choosing to create a minotaur character is able to choose Fighter, Barbarian, and Druid.
Phantaurs are a race of elephant-humanoids, created by Cobh. The phantaur city of Tuskopy in Pachytauria is home to the biggest, most extensive libraries in all of Dirth. Phantaurs have exceptional memory and grow to very old ages. There is a subset of woolly phantaurs known as the mammolith who live in the far north, and are far more brutal rather than academic.
All phantaurs will patron their creator Cobh, as well as commonly studying the teachings of Cwn Cwtia. Phantaurs may fulfill the alignments of lawful good, neutral good, lawful neutral, and true neutral. Average height: 7' (Tall, stocky)
Phantaur characters recieve these starting attribute levels:
AGI - 3
DEV - 6
EXP - 4
INT - 10
PER - 12
STR - 8
WIL - 12 (120HP)
WIS - 20 (200MP)
As well as these starting proficiency levels:
Arcane Magic Affinity +10
Blue Magic Affinity +5
Staff Proficiency +5
Mace Proficiency +1
Two-handed Proficiency +1
Warhammer Proficiency +1
Two-handed Proficiency +1
A player choosing to create a phantaur character is able to choose Fighter, Barbarian, Wizard, and Cleric.
Centaurs are a race of half-horse, half-humanoids, created by Cobh. They formerly inhabited the lands of Run, but have since been mostly driven outwards to the lands of Tauria and Pachytauria, with some tribes even venturing out into the Dunes of Damn. They are primarily nomadic hunters and raiders, though will make permanent settlements if an area is good enough. Centaur are savages, and hate humans for driving them out of what was once their land.
All centaurs will patron their creator Cobh, and are distrusting of anyone which patrons any other god. Centaurs may fulfill any neutral alignment. Average height: 7' (Tall, lithe)
Centaur characters recieve these starting attribute levels:
AGI - 10
DEV - 7
EXP - 6
INT - 5
PER - 10
STR - 5
WIL - 11 (110HP)
WIS - 10 (100MP)
As well as these starting proficiency levels:
Bow Proficiency +10
Spear Proficiency +10
Two-handed Spear Proficiency +10
Lance Proficiency +10
Red Magic Affinity +1
A player choosing to create a centaur character is able to choose Fighter, Barbarian, and Ranger.
Rhinotaurs are a race of rhinoceros-humanoids, created by Cobh. They are strong, but incredibly dull-minded. Rhinotaurs mostly live among the societies of minotaurs, alongside them in battle, and among the phantaur city of Tuskopy where they will do unwanted jobs for very cheap. Similar to the mammolith, there is a subset of woolly rhinotaurs which lives in the north among them.
All rhinotaurs will patron their creator Cobh, though they don't have a very good understanding of what this means. They do not patron other gods. Rhinotaurs may fulfill any neutral alignment. Average height: 12' (Very tall, strong)
Rhinotaur characters recieve these starting attribute levels:
AGI - 5
DEV - 2
EXP - 4
INT - 1
PER - 8
STR - 10
WIL - 20 (200HP)
WIS - 1 (1MP)
As well as these starting proficiency levels:
Club Proficiency +10
A player choosing to create a rhinotaur character is able to choose Fighter and Barbarian.
Wildeboars are a race of humanoids with the heads and feet of wild boars, created by Cobh. They are a nomadic and honorable people who inhabit the northern edges of Orkron, in the deep forests surrounding the Ogre Mountains. They are good allies of the ogres and human settlers, and enemies of the orcs.
Wildeboars will patron their creator Cobh, and sometimes other gods as well. Wildeboars may fulfill any good or neutral alignment. Average height: 5' (Short, strong)
Wildeboar characters recieve these starting attribute levels:
AGI - 7
DEV - 5
EXP - 6
INT - 5
PER - 9
STR - 7
WIL - 10 (100HP)
WIS - 10 (100MP)
As well as these starting proficiency levels:
Curved Sword Proficiency +5
Axe Proficiency +5
Spear Proficiency +5
Green Magic Affinity +1
A player choosing to create a wildeboar character is able to choose Fighter, Barbarian, Ranger, and Druid.
The faunor are a race of antlered, hooved humanoids, created by Cobh. They live solitary lives within the wilderness all around Dirth, mostly foraging for their food. They guard the wilderness and are great allies of the elfs. Though they were created by Cobh, they are favored by Fomor and act out her will.
All faunor will patron both Cobh and Fomor. Some will also pay respects to Dûg or Dûnor. Faunor may fulfill the alignments of lawful good, neutral good, chaotic good, lawful neutral, true neutral, and chaotic neutral. Average height: 6' for males, 5' for females (Tall, lithe)
Faunor characters recieve these starting attribute levels:
AGI - 6
DEV - 6
EXP - 6
INT - 7
PER - 10
STR - 5
WIL - 10 (100HP)
WIS - 10 (100MP)
As well as these starting proficiency levels:
Green Magic Affinity +10
Bow Proficiency +5
A player choosing to create a faunor character is able to choose Fighter, Barbarian, Cleric, Ranger, and Druid.
The woollen are a race of horned & hooved woolly humanoids, created by Cobh. They live pastorally among the mountains of southern Dirth. Woollen can grow a natural cloak that they can use for warmth which extends from their back like a pair of wings, though is just made of a tough hair. They wear and decorate these natural cloaks, and cut them when they get too long, the same applying to their long and bushy tails. Woollen are mostly friendly with other races, though distrusting of them aside from the elfs and faunor.
Woollen all patron Cobh and despise followers of Molûg. Woollen may fulfill all good alignments. Average height: 5'6" for males, 5' for females (Short, normal)
Woollen characters recieve these starting attribute levels:
AGI - 5
DEV - 7
EXP - 5
INT - 5
PER - 9
STR - 5
WIL - 10 (120HP)
WIS - 10 (100MP)
As well as these starting proficiency levels:
White Magic Affinity +5
Green Magic Affinity +5
Staff Proficiency +1
A player choosing to create a woollen character is able to choose Fighter, Cleric, and Ranger.
Bugaboos are a twisted form of the woollen, corrupted by spellcraft. Bugaboos' skin is a bright red or shade of blue, depending on their tribe, and are mostly covered in thick and curly black hair. They have large horns coming from their forehead which match the color of their skin. Their tails, unlike the woollen's, are instead bare and end in a point. They live in small tribes within the dark forests and marshlands of Vaynia and the Saurfen. Bugaboo tribes all revolve around a chieftan warlock who bestows them "gifts" from his patron daemon. When a bugaboo reaches the age of maturity, upon him/her is bestowed a mutation from the chieftan which depends on the tribe and their patron daemon. Some of these mutations include scorpion tails or claws, third eyes, bat wings, any manor of strange things. Bugaboos are born with a dark birthmark across their eyes that can be quite complex and intricate.
Bugaboos do not patron any god, but make pacts with daemons from the planes of torment. Bugaboos may fulfill any neutral or evil alignment. Average height: 6' for males, 5'8 for females (Tall, strong)
Bugaboo characters recieve these starting attribute levels:
AGI - 5
DEV - 3
EXP - 5
INT - 7
PER - 10
STR - 6
WIL - 16 (160HP)
WIS - 15 (150MP)
As well as these starting proficiency levels:
Black Magic Affinity +10
Arcane Magic Affinity +5
Red Magic Affinity +5
Staff Proficiency +1
Polearm Proficiency +1
Two-handed Sword Proficiency +1
A player choosing to create a bugaboo character is able to choose Fighter, Barbarian, Wizard, Warlock, Ranger, and Necromancer.
Goblins are a mutated, fallen form of dwarfs who were cursed and transformed by the awakened chthonic spider god Shivej. They originally were miners and explorers charting the Stonedark, the massive caverns beneath the now lost city of Stonedeep, but were enthralled by the whispers of Shivej from the deepest caverns and helped to cause the crumbling of the once grand city. In modern times, the enthralled of the Stonedark are known as hobgoblins, while many goblins broke free of the spider's grasp and went to the surface to build their own settlements and cities elsewhere. They are hated by dwarfs and the Stonelord, and so have turned to a mostly shamanistic tradition.
Goblins do not patron any gods. They believe in ancestral veneration and animism above all else. Goblins may fulfill any alignment. Average height: 3'-4' (Short, stocky)
Goblin characters recieve these starting attribute levels:
AGI - 6
DEV - 3
EXP - 6
INT - 6
PER - 11
STR - 4
WIL - 10 (100HP)
WIS - 10 (100MP)
As well as these starting proficiency levels:
Green Magic Affinity +5
Red Magic Affinity +5
Spear Proficiency +5
Warhammer Proficiency +1
A player choosing to create a goblin character is able to choose Fighter, Wizard, Warlock, and Necromancer.
The dark elfs are a form of cursed elfs, whom abandoned their creator Fomor and the traditions of their people and became masters of engineering and exploitation instead. For this betrayal, they were cursed with a dark, ashen-gray skin, and can no longer perform any sort of green magic. They are banished from ever coming close to the Wyrd tree again, and are hated by the elfs. Dark elfs are the only race within Dirth that knows how to fabricate firedust, and keep that knowledge within their race. They inhabit a few settlements within the Dunes of Damn; Sana Migo, Perdiesto, and Al Bardez. Many wanted criminals from all over Dirth will find refuge within the Dunes of Damn, and the dark elfs know this, and cater to these outlaws. Dark elf settlements are typically quite lawless due to this.
Dark elfs do not patron any gods, and they are shunned by most. Dark elfs may fulfill any neutral alignment. Average height: 5' for males, 4'8 for females (Short, normal)
Dark elf characters recieve these starting attribute levels:
AGI - 5
DEV - 1
EXP - 8
INT - 7
PER - 10
STR - 5
WIL - 10 (100HP)
WIS - 10 (100HP)
As well as these starting proficiency levels:
Crossbow Proficiency +10
Trap Proficiency +10
A player choosing to create a dark elf character is able to choose Fighter, Wizard, Warlock, and Ranger.
The semikin are a mysterious, mask-wearing people whom inhabit the Dunes of Damn. No outsider to their race has ever seen their face, or even their skin, as they keep themselves wrapped in a layer of cloth bandages at all times. They are quite thin and spindly, though are excellently proficient at manipulating the arcane. Their culture is primarily that of nomadic merchants, though ruins of great black pyramids and obelisks can be found beneath the sands of the Dunes of Damn. The semikin only have one permanent residence, in the far southern trading port town of Tephtes.
Semikin venerate their ancient kings as gods. Semikin may fulfill any alignment. Average height: 6' (Tall, lithe)
Semikin characters recieve these starting attribute levels:
AGI - 6
DEV - 4
EXP - 6
INT - 8
PER - 8
STR - 5
WIL - 10 (100HP)
WIS - 13 (130MP)
As well as these starting proficiency levels:
Arcane Magic Affinity +10
Black Magic Affinity +5
Polearm Proficiency +5
Curved Sword Proficiency +1
A player choosing to create a goblin character is able to choose Fighter, Wizard, Warlock, and Necromancer.
Trolls are an amphibian race whom derives of salamanders from the glinting caves within southern Vaynia. Due to this specific species of salamander's diet of psychoactive mushrooms, over time they grew to be sentient. Trolls live in caves and do nothing but eat psychoactive mushrooms all day. They are mostly useless as a species, and have never even discovered fire.
Trolls will madly patron Kukuthalic, and no other gods. Trolls may fulfill any neutral alignment. Average height: 4'
Troll characters recieve these starting attribute levels:
AGI - 7
DEV - 1
EXP - 2
INT - 1
PER - 8
STR - 4
WIL - 8 (80HP)
WIS - 5 (50MP)
As well as these starting proficiency levels:
Green Magic Affinity +5
Club Proficiency +1
Staff Proficiency +1
Dagger Proficiency +1
A player choosing to create a troll character is able to choose Fighter, Warlock, Ranger, and Druid.
The skiven are a race of large, sentient corvids. Their culture revolves around poetry, song, and treasure-hunting. They tend to be fond all over Dirth, and travel often.
Skiven will patron any variety of gods, though favor Yûg most commonly. Skiven may fulfill any neutral or good alignment. Average height: 6' (Tall, normal)
Skiven characters recieve these starting attribute levels:
AGI - 9
DEV - 6
EXP - 5
INT - 8
PER - 10
STR - 4
WIL - 80 (90HP)
WIS - 10 (100MP)
As well as these starting proficiency levels:
Saber Proficiency +10
White Magic Affinity +5
Black Magic Affinity +5
A player choosing to create a skiven character is able to choose Fighter, Wizard, Cleric, Warlock, Ranger, and Necromancer